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Edoardo Tiboni, born in 1923, has directed for thirty-five years the RAI headquarters in Abruzzo, is a promoter of companies, institutions, cultural initiatives, which were decisive for the growth of Abruzzo, such as the Flaiano International Awards, studies and publications dedicated to d'Annunzio, Silone, Flaiano, Croce.



Born in Vasto (CH) on 31 May 1923, he graduated in 1946 at the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, after studying law and economics, and began an intense journalistic activity at a very young age. In 1953, he was called to direct the RAI headquarters for Abruzzo and Molise, which he did for the thirty-five consecutive years.
In the same years, Tiboni obtained the collaboration of intellectuals, writers, artists and musicians among the most qualified: from Silone to Pomilio, from Flaiano to Laudomia Bonanni, from Guido Albanese to Antonio Di Jorio, Domenico Ceccarossi, Michele and Tommaso Cascella and many others, promoting the realization of television programs of great documentary interest.
With Ennio Flaiano, he is one of the founders of the Società del Teatro e della Musica in Pescara, of which he assumes the vice presidency with Flaiano as president.
In 1973, he founded the monthly culture magazine "Oggi e Domani", which he edited until 2014.

In 1974 Tiboni also promoted, in Pescara, the Ennio Flaiano International Awards for Literature, Theatre, Film and Television, which reached its 45th edition in 2018, and which over the years has grown to become one of the most prestigious in the sector.
In 1979, Tiboni founded, together with Ettore Paratore, Guy Tosi, Geno Pampaloni, Emilio Mariano, John Woodhouse, the National Center for Dannunzian Studies, which he chaired until 2015, and which held 41 consecutive international conferences on the Poet Gabriele D'Annunzio.
On June 2, 1982, the President of the Italian Republic, Sandro Pertini, appointed Edoardo Tiboni Grand Officer of the Republic on the proposal of the Prime Minister Giovanni Spadolini.
In 1991, Tiboni established the Istituto nazionale di Studi Crociani, with offices in Pescara and Sulmona.
Also in 1991, Tiboni created the International Istituto Multimediale "Scrittura e Immagine" which promotes the International Festival Cinematografico "Scrittura e Immagine", and the International Festival of Short Film, involving the cities of Chieti and Pescara.
In 2002, he promoted the establishment of the "Edoardo Tiboni Foundation" with the task of coordinating the activities - literary, cinematographic, theatrical, television, editorial - that carry out the institutions promoted over more than 70 years by Edoardo Tiboni and still active.
In 2005, he was awarded by the Università degli Studi "Gabriele d'Annunzio" of the Order of Minerva, a recognition reserved in the past to distinguished Italian and foreign personalities such as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the future Pope Benedict XVI.
On 28 January 2006, with the inauguration of the Mediamuseum in the spaces of the old Court of Pescara, he realized a project that required ten years of great commitment, giving life to an institution of national relevance, important also for the didactic aspects for the professions of entertainment.
During his life, Edoardo Tiboni had contacts with some of the greatest personalities of the Italian and international culture from the postwar period to today, recognizing their value before many others. In this regard,
Josè Saramago, Derek Walkott, Seamus Heaney, Alice Munro, Imre Kertesz, Wole Soyinka e il premio Pulitzer Hisham Matar, received the Flaiano International Awards before they even won the Nobel and the Pulitzer Award.


Oggi e Domani

Monthly magazine of culture and current affairs. Year 1 - Number 1 - November 1973.

Edoardo Tiboni da Radio Abruzzo al Premio Flaiano

"La storia della nostra regione attraverso il protagonista della cultura degli ultimi sessant'anni"
di Paolo Smoglica.